Barbara Honegger on getting 9/11 justice, Elizabeth Woodworth on NSA (?) "jamming the internet"

Broadcast Saturday. 10/12/13 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast - and also get free downloads! When you see the show posted here, that means it is already available to subscribers.

First half-hour: Esteemed 9/11 activist-researcher Barbara Honegger says the US has been taken over by neo-Nazis; 9/11 was the American Reichstag Fire; but the new White Rose resistance can finding the right legal venue, international or domestic, and busting the criminals. She reveals the existence of a new group focused on getting 9/11 justice, and argues that the truth movement has been making rapid progress in the weeks since last month's 12th anniversary of the world's biggest-ever false-flag atrocity.

Second half-hour: Elizabeth Woodworth is the author of a new article that needs to go viral:

Search Engine Manipulation. Google and YouTube Suppress Controversial 9/11 Truth?

It seems that the bad guys are sabotaging 9/11 truth videos when they start to go viral - as happened last month to the terrific Russia Today Truth Seeker episode "Operation Gladio and 9/11" in which I appeared.  Even worse, they are somehow interfering with people's attempts to email this video link to their friends! Emails containing the url for the "Operation Gladio and 9/11" video have been falling off the face of the cybersphere.

Elizabeth, a library sciences information professional, says our best response is to make sure that both the original video AND her story about its Orwellian suppression go viral!

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